Taerynn Khai, MS

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Thank You Mac Miller

Mac Miller has never been one to disappoint. Though he's (relatively) off the mainstream, radio rotation radar (which isn't bad), he is one of the most consistent people rapping right now; and on top of that, his production is rather great: always the formula for a great project.


Today he dropped The Divine Feminine and PLOT TWIST : IT'S ABOUT THE LADIES. Many people may debate that there are "plenty of songs" for the ladies. Though this may be true, I haven't heard a soft, not ass-shaking anthem, let alone FULL album, dedicated "to the ladies" in quite the while. The Divine Feminine beautifully gives us just that.



Before even listening, I was quite impressed by the guest list (Bilal and Anderson .Paak are in the first two songs: pure magic). The album is definitely a wave to ride that can be the soundtrack to a variance of situations.


It can be the background to the very sexy vibe the songs paint. You can cruise to it through the city with the windows down at 2am. Or, in its most simple form, you can play it in your room through your speakers and just let it play. The album is only 10 tracks but believe me, they will not pass you by.

As a music lover, I'm a listener of all aspects: production, flows, and each artists signature touch. It is safe to say that Mac Miller has his music down to a science. Welcomed to the experience by a sultry, throughout the album is instrumentation that sounds silk-lined with cotton candy vocals to match. Every element of each song sounds hand picked and signed on by Mac himself. There's a heavy jazz influence throughout the album that picks you up to float away and is the crossed-t that sold this work of art to me. And on top of this, all these songs sound like they should come with a glass of wine and dance in the dark.

The Divine Feminine is a definite win.  Check it out below on Apple Music.

