Taerynn Khai, MS

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I Miss Danity Kane

A couple days ago, a Danity Kane song came on my Spotify shuffle and I absolutely got my life. 

I still remember the Making The Band 3 days that brought about Danity Kane. I would come home from school every Monday and wait for 8 o'clock to roll around to see what DK was getting into now. I remember watching all 5 of their auditions, how each of them shined in different ways, Diddy and Laurie Ann bullying them into stardom, and them naming themselves after a superhero Dawn had drawn. For fans, it was an exhilarating ride to watch the ins and outs of one of the worlds biggest pop stars.

And big pop stars they were-- the group had TWO platinum albums and grossed over 1mil while being openers on Christina Aguilera's "Back to Basics" tour alone. Their debut album Danity Kane was a hit, especially with leading single "Showstopper". However, their next album Welcome to the Dollhouse would skyrocket them straight to the top.

January of 2008, their biggest hit "Damaged" hit the radio waves and every girl across America was crooning the stutter-filled anthem; heartbreak never sounded so good and bubblegum. "Welcome to the Dollhouse" was full of beautiful harmonies, pop AND R&b hits, and an all around album full of bops. This album brought them a completely SOLD OUT tour and there was no question by this point that Danity Kane were superstars.

And within a year on the height of their success, the last episode of Making the Band aired showing the girls calling it quits. In this season, fans saw many small spats between the girls, a lot of disagreements in creative control, and most infamously, Aubrey and Diddy butting heads every other episode (although I personally still believe Aubrey definitely started smelling herself). As a result of these factors building up, Diddy started cutting contracts until eventually, only Dawn was left. Shortly after, every other member had either left music totally (Aundrea got married and got quiet, Shannon refused to comment for a very long time) or pursued their own careers in music (Aubrey did her own thing, as did D. Woods, Dawn eventually joins Diddy-Dirty Money).

In 2014, the girls tried to come back together again (minus D. Woods). However, at some point throughout the come back tour Aundrea decided to call it quits indefinitely leaving Dawn, Shannon, and Aubrey. They released a single "Lemonade" and their farewell album DK3 this same year but it still wasn't enough to keep the ladies together. It was rumored that Dawn and Aubrey got into a physical fight in the studio over "Aubrey and Shannon recorded for a week without her" and it escalated to Dawn hitting Aubrey (watch in interviews below).

Since completely breaking up, Shannon and Aubrey formed a duo Dumblonde. Dawn is still pursuing her solo career and Aundrea enjoys her beautiful family. It saddens me that this group didn't go as far as they could have. The run they had was a great one and I'll continue to gather my life every time their songs hit my speakers.

Watch "The Rise and Fall of Danity Kane" below along with interviews from Dumblonde and Dawn Richard on The Breakfast Club. And for your listening pleasure, jump back to 2006 & 2008 with their debut and Welcome to the Dollhouse.