Taerynn Khai, MS

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#LetsArgue -- Lawrence Is A LOT Of Niggas

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On yesterday's episode of HBO's Insecure,  shit started getting real different. Issa decided to dabble in the "hoe phase" and (try to) get her groove back. But the highlight of the episode was Lawrence revealing his true fuck nigga feathers.

In being completely honest, he messed up as soon as he started making sleepovers with Tasha a regular degular thing. In true hobosexual form (one who fucks for shelter), he kept up whatever facade was necessary to keep a pillow for the night-- knowing damn well he had no intentions in going further than "having fun". He messed up royally when he popped up at the cookout and almost immediately ghosting. Which led to Tasha finally calling him out on being a "fuck nigga": the worst type at that.

While scrolling through Twitter, I saw a lot of the #LawrenceHive CAPING for this man and going in on Tasha and how she's wrong. In reading these tweets, I realized something: a lot of you niggas are Lawrence, the worst kinda fuck nigga.

The man who think he's a good guy but is doing all types of "fuck nigga" things. Laying 10/10 down in the sheets. Cute public yet quiet dates. Immediate texts back. Having spend the night parties for nights at a time. Watching shows together. Kisses on the mouth in public. Post relationship, plainly not wanting to know what it feels like to be alone.  All of this knowing good and well you are emotionally unavailable but still leading the other person involved on. 

Lawrence is a fuck nigga that thinks he's a good dude for exactly why Tasha called him out on it. He was a great actor, She was a good fallback plan; it was nothing serious until he pretended to be so. Divulging that he slept with Issa and feeling pressed to tell Tasha about it, THEN having the nerve to be sorry certainly alludes to their being some development between the two. Surely, his sole defense could be "I am a single man" but no. He could've been straight up from Dick Appointment #1. Explicitly saying that he wasn't looking for anything serious from jump would have saved him a lot of grievance. Honestly, would probably still be busting the guts but *shrug*.

Case and point, honesty is the best policy. Be straight up. Don't lead people on. Don't ignore the signs. And most importantly, know when it's time to take yourself home. If you found yourself relating  to Lawrence in this episode a little to closely, you, indeed, might be a fuck nigga.

Get well soon beloved.