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The Importance of #Blonde


Since the gem that is Channel Orange dropped in the early summer of 2012, Frank's fans have been fiending for another serving of the amazing gift that is his music.

My personal attachment to Frank began in 2011 once I discovered nostalgia, ultra.  and I've been swooning ever since. As he sneakily threw himself into some of our fav's music via features (Beyoncé's "Superpower", Kanye's "Wolves"), the anticipation for an album grew stronger and stronger. Like the other 6.9 billion people in the world, I've been waiting for the release of a new album (not so patiently) and have fallen for every. single. fake release. Needless to say, when I got Endless I was ecstatic; once I got blonde, I was completely euphoric. I literally dropped what I was doing, hopped in the car, and drove home to listen to this album.


Once I got home, I unplugged, sat and did nothing but listen to the album from end to end. I truly wanted to hear every in and out, and tap into everything this album was supposed to make me feel. After about my 6th or 7th listen to fully digest (this is not an exaggeration), I'd decided I was truly in love with the album. From the pitched-up Frank in Nikes and Self Control, the angelic background vocals of Beyoncé in Pink + White, signature sounding Solo,  the amazing flow and BARS ON BARS that is 3Stacks on Solo (Reprise)  to the wrenching emotion that is stitched in every lyric of Godspeed: the album was a beautiful love story that I was grateful to have been able to delve into. It was a rip straight from his heart's diary put on tracks for us to hear. In fact, it was the only thing I listened to for about two days after its release and eventually moved to listening to his entire discography. 


To add to the brilliance that was already the album, I later discovered that Endless was the release to break him from his Def Jam contract. Blonde is all bare Frank, an independent release. Hearing this made me that much more grateful for the album. 


Now that we have two albums, a magazine, and some visuals from Frank Ocean, it's safe to assume that he'll go back into his turtle shell for a while. This is not at all an album review. It's a letter from a deep music lover and true fan; a thank you in HTML. 

And with that I say, thank you Frank.


To indulge in blondethe link is attached to the exclusive Apple Music release below.